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The Gardens Eye Care Supplying Complimentary Eyeglasses to NYC First Responders

Dr. Rita Ellent has partnered with MODO & Essilor Vision Foundation to supply complimentary eyeglasses to our NYC heroes, the health care workers responding to the COVID-19 crisis.

Since 2013, Dr. Ellent at The Gardens Eye Care has been providing cutting-edge, personalized vision care in New York City. As a token of gratitude, Dr. Ellent has partnered with MODO and Essilor Vision Foundation to supply complimentary eyeglasses to First Responders. This will offer additional eye protection to our NYC heroes working at the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis.

MODO, founded in New York City thirty years ago, has been committed to crafting lasting quality eyewear with New York’s dynamic spirit, their Italian design heritage, and Scandinavian minimalism serving as their touchstones.

For over a decade, Essilor Vision Foundation has worked to eliminate poor vision and its lifelong consequences, providing over one million pairs of eyeglasses to those in need.

Nominate A Frontline Personnel Or Yourself!

Through the VISION FOR HEROES community initiative, THE GARDENS EYE CARE will be providing eyeglasses in prescription and non-prescription lens options in a pre-selected assortment of MODO frames from our Essilor Vision Foundation partner lab.

If you have any questions, please contact us at We are here to help.

Thank you for supporting our initiative to provide eyeglasses for NYC First Responders at the frontline of the COVID-19 crisis.

We received a massive influx of requests and our team is working hard to respond as quickly as we can in the order we have received them. If you have any questions about your existing request, please drop us a note at Although we are currently no longer accepting new requests, we are working hard to find different ways to give back to those protecting our communities during this crisis.

Thank you,
Dr. Rita Ellent and The Gardens Eye Care Family